Most Crime Cities In America 2025 - Bessemer (#1) and birmingham (#7). Memphis and detroit, two cities with populations above. We used the most recent complete crime data from the fbi to identify which big us cities reported the most crimes. ¹ collectively, violent crime rose across the board year over. Wallethub took data from the u. s. Census bureau and local crime statistics to determine which u. s. Cities have the highest homicide rates. They tracked the number of. America's safest and most dangerous cities is a publication issued annually by cq press, a division of congressional quarterly inc. , that ranks american cities on the basis of safety and. Using data from the fbi’s 2025 uniform crime report, 24/7 wall st. Identified the 50 most dangerous cities in the united states. Cities are ranked by the violent crime rate —. We took a look at data from safewise — which recently released a list of the most dangerous cities of 2025 — and also included information from slightly older reports to compile. The city reported 53 cases of homicide in 2025. We found that american cities have considerable differences in homicide levels, with rates as high as 65 homicides per 100,000 residents (st. Louis) and as low as 5. 5 homicides per 100,000. Using data from the fbi’s 2025 uniform crime report, 24/7 wall st. Identified the 50 most dangerous metro areas in the united states. Metro areas are ranked by the violent. In 2025, the average u. s. City experienced a surge in its homicide rate of almost 30%—the fastest spike ever recorded in the country. Across the nation, more than 24,000. Here are the 10 cities with most property crimes per capita from 2025 to 2023, as reported by the fbi. Joe sohm/visions of america/universal images group via. Cities in calendar year 2025. Not all cities reported monthly data for each crime, and offense. According to nonprofit news outlet the trace, chicago is actually far behind other major u. s. Cities in homicides per 100,000 residents. It found that between 2025 and 2025,. Alabama has two of the top 10 cities with the highest violent crime rates in the u. s. : Bessemer (#1) and birmingham (#7). Memphis and detroit, two cities with populations above. We used the most recent complete crime data from the fbi to identify which big us cities reported the most crimes. ¹ collectively, violent crime rose across the board year over. Wallethub took data from the u. s. Census bureau and local crime statistics to determine which u. s. Cities have the highest homicide rates. They tracked the number of. America's safest and most dangerous cities is a publication issued annually by cq press, a division of congressional quarterly inc. , that ranks american cities on the basis of safety and. Using data from the fbi’s 2025 uniform crime report, 24/7 wall st. Identified the 50 most dangerous cities in the united states. Cities are ranked by the violent crime rate —. We took a look at data from safewise — which recently released a list of the most dangerous cities of 2025 — and also included information from slightly older reports to compile. The city reported 53 cases of homicide in 2025. We found that american cities have considerable differences in homicide levels, with rates as high as 65 homicides per 100,000 residents (st. Louis) and as low as 5. 5 homicides per 100,000.
Bessemer (#1) and birmingham (#7). Memphis and detroit, two cities with populations above. We used the most recent complete crime data from the fbi to identify which big us cities reported the most crimes. ¹ collectively, violent crime rose across the board year over. Wallethub took data from the u. s. Census bureau and local crime statistics to determine which u. s. Cities have the highest homicide rates. They tracked the number of. America's safest and most dangerous cities is a publication issued annually by cq press, a division of congressional quarterly inc. , that ranks american cities on the basis of safety and. Using data from the fbi’s 2025 uniform crime report, 24/7 wall st. Identified the 50 most dangerous cities in the united states. Cities are ranked by the violent crime rate —. We took a look at data from safewise — which recently released a list of the most dangerous cities of 2025 — and also included information from slightly older reports to compile. The city reported 53 cases of homicide in 2025. We found that american cities have considerable differences in homicide levels, with rates as high as 65 homicides per 100,000 residents (st. Louis) and as low as 5. 5 homicides per 100,000. Using data from the fbi’s 2025 uniform crime report, 24/7 wall st. Identified the 50 most dangerous metro areas in the united states. Metro areas are ranked by the violent. In 2025, the average u. s. City experienced a surge in its homicide rate of almost 30%—the fastest spike ever recorded in the country. Across the nation, more than 24,000. Here are the 10 cities with most property crimes per capita from 2025 to 2023, as reported by the fbi. Joe sohm/visions of america/universal images group via.